domingo, 27 de junho de 2010

Unit. 4 - Final Report

Activity 2

In this activity, we should improve and finalize all our learning objects into a learning module, according to the comments and reviews we received from Prof. Morten and from other students, compiling, refining and expanding the three learning objects we have done so far.

To improve my learning objects about the three topics, I decided to follow the suggestions that I received. I considered these contributions very useful and valuable to improve my work. One suggestion was to add an introduction to my learning objects explaining my intentions with them. Other suggestion was related to the text and the music of my last learning object. In my first version was hard to read all the text of my learning object and the music was considered one distraction. Therefore, I increased the number of scenes, reducing the text of the balloons and eliminated the music. I also have seen the work of my colleagues to compare and improve my work, learning with their work.

When I did my learning objects my intention was to do a learning resource that explains the topics in a clear way and objective but interesting to motivate the readers about these issues. I think this type of resource catches more attention from the people who see it because the visual memory retains a largest number of information than the hearing sense.

Cooperative freedom

I used the

Online Teaching Techniques

I used the a powerpoint presentation at and the images are from Fotosearch.

Transparency in Online Education 2º Versão by Manuel1974

Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun!

I used the

Unit. 4: Final Report

Activity 1

In this activity, we should improve and finalize all our annotated bibliographies, according to the feedback we received from Prof. Morten and from our colleagues, compiling, refining and expanding the three annotated bibliographies we have written so far as a comprehensive annotated bibliography from our work in this course.

To improve my annotated bibliographies about the three topics, I decided to do a revision on my work, writing an introduction and a conclusion with more of my personal reflections but with careful to distinguish between my personal reflections and my transcriptions of the authors’ work. I also decided to add more references, including information on how many pages the referenced works has, like is required in our learning contract on “ find and read 100-200 pages of articles, blog entries etc, related to the topics discussed in this course."

Cooperative Freedom

In online education there are students that seek individual flexibility and freedom, but some need or prefer group collaboration and social unity. These aims are not easy to combine. There is a tension between the urge for individual independence and the necessity to contribute in a collective learning community. However, the Theory of Cooperative Freedom claims that online education can foster both freedom for the individual and group cooperation. According Paulsen, M. F. 2008, the “Cooperative learning seeks to develop virtual learning environments that allow students to have optimal individual freedom within online learning communities”. In the Theory of Cooperative Freedom, there are six facets of flexibility of high importance – time, space, medium, access and content that allows the students to reach their academic success, regardless the level of autonomy they decided to have for their education progress.

To understand the meaning of Cooperative Freedom I considered the following documents very useful.

Paulsen, M. F. (2008). Cooperative Online Education. - International journal of media, technology and lifelong learning. Retrieved on March 23, 2010 from

Paulsen, M. F. (2003). Cooperative Freedom: An Online Education Theory. Online Education and Learning Management Systems. Retrieved on March 23, 2010 from

Paulsen, M. F. (2003). Online Education and Learning Management Systems.
Retrieved on June 2, 2010 from

This first document is an article that belongs to Professor Morten Flate Paulsen and shows that cooperative learning can be implemented with success through a set of instruments or means. The article presents a study of distance education and cooperative learning experience, where are discusses how issues like web.2, transparency, learning partner and individual progression plans relate to cooperative online education. The study was conducted in the end of 2007 and the assessment instrument used was the questionnaire with quantitative and qualitative questions. This article has 20 pages.

Figure 3. Facets of flexibility discussed in the Theory of Cooperative Freedom. Retrieved from Paulsen, M. F. (2008). Cooperative Online Education. - International journal of media, technology and lifelong learning.

In second document, that is also an article, from Professor Morten Flate Paulsen presents the Theory of Cooperative Freedom as a theory of autonomy and independence, a theory to support distance education. The author stands that students should decide the level of autonomy they want for their education progress. This theory is centered on the tension between individual independence and collective cooperation within the dimensions of time, space, pace, medium, access, and content within distance education contexts. The Theory of Cooperative Freedom defends that online education can foster both freedom for the individual and group cooperation. This article has 12 pages.

The third document is a book written by Professor Morten Flate Paulsen. This book presents a collection of articles about Online Education and Learning Management Systems, carefully selected. In between these articles there are some personal contributions that intended to illustrate interesting online education practice. Some articles were written especially for this book, others was updated and revised versions of material that the author had earlier published. The book is very clear in its structure that allow us reading each article separately and in any order. For this reason some issues are referred in more than one article. This book has 338 pages.

After reading these documents, we can conclude that online education can promote both individual freedom and group cooperation, facilitating collaboration and stimulating the discussion between students. In online education, learning could be individual, cooperative or collaborative. The online education, allow students to chose the level of autonomy they want for their education progress. Individual learning provides much individual flexibility, but little access to learning community. Cooperative learning provides much individual flexibility and access to learning community and collaborative learning requires participation in learning community, but limits individual flexibility. In my opinion the collaborative learning gives students the opportunity to help and motivate each other. The contributions of other students can be very useful to deal the tasks that are difficult to solve alone. In my opinion, this way all students learn more.

Online Teaching Techniques

Online Teaching Techniques can be used to improve the quality of learning because students learn more easily. With these techniques, is more pleasant to the students learn. I think is very important to the teacher know how to do and use these techniques. These way teachers can motivate their students, by facilitating learning. For this reason, in my annotated bibliography about Online Teaching Techniques I decided to choose only one document. However, there are others documents very important ones about Online Teaching Techniques. I chose the following document.

Carvalho, A. (org.) (2008). Manual de Ferramentas de Web 2.0 para Professores. Ministério da Educação. DGIDC. Retrieved on April 17, 2010 from

This manual is a document for teachers who want to learn to use some online teaching techniques. This manual contains nine chapters that present various online teaching techniques and that helps teachers to insert themselves in this type of education. Each chapter contextualizes each online teaching technique, explains how to create an online space and discusses their use in educational practices. This manual has 240 pages.

The first chapter talks about the Blog, YouTube, Flickr and Delicious. Present the blog and its relevance in an educational context, showing how to create a Blog, provide a link and insert an image or a video from the YouTube, using a Blogger as an example. Explains how to create a YouTube account, approaching the TeacherTube too. Contains information how to create a Flickr account provide an image and finally how to have bookmarks always accessible on the Delicious.

The second chapter talks about the Podcast and about the user of the software Audacity. Presents an introduction to the Posdcast, showing how to create and record a Podcast on the Podomatic. It also explains how to write a file audio in Audacity and how to do an upload file to the Podomatic.

The third chapter talks about Dandelife, Wiki and Goowy. Initially makes some considerations about Web 2.0 in education, presented the Dandelife like a tool to make timelines, which allows integrating text, images from Flicker, videos from YouTube and files audio. Presents the characteristics of the Wiki and how to create a Wiki space, giving PBWiki as an example. Finally, make an approach to the Goowy, online desktop that integrates e-mail, calendar, files, contacts, flash games, notepad that can be used as a e-book student, RSS reader, integrated search, visualization of videos from the YouTube, Posdcats, among other features.

The fourth chapter talks about the Google Toolbar: Page Creator, Docs and Calendar. Presents the Google Page Creator, that provides a Web pages without the hassle of a housing server. Discusses the features of Google Docs that integrates documents in word processor, office excel and presentations. Finally, indicates the functionalities of the Calendar and its usefulness.
The fifth chapter discusses PopFly. Presents PopFly service, free, online to develop mashups, gadgets, web pages and applications. A mashup uses informations from more than one source to create a new service or application Web. It also explains how can make a mashup.

The sixth chapter is about Web 2.0 and Mobile Technologies. Show the advantages of Web 2.0 in access to information, publication and online sharing, showing their access through mobile technologies and its implications on learning. It made a presentation of mobile version of some Web applications, like Mobile Google, Mobile YouTube, Mobile Zoho, Blinkx, Bloove, Winksite, Blurpulse, Gipit, EQO, Mobilicious and Twitter.

The seventh chapter talks about Second Life and Virtual Environments. Contextualizes and features Virtual Environments, focusing on Second Life. Explains how to create an avatar in Second Life, as moves the character in this Virtual Environments, interacts with other avatars, making shopping and changing the appearance of the avatar. Presents some suggestion on what we can be done in Second Life, including the possibility of earning money. Presents other virtual worlds that are being to imposed like Vastpark and Metaplace, referring to the virtual world of Google. Finally discusses the implications of virtual worlds in learning.

The eighth chapter speaks of Movie Maker to YouTube. Describes and demonstrates the potential of Windows Movie Maker to assemble or create animated films based on images. This software, easy to learn, allows the teachers and students montages of quality that can be shared on the YouTube. Also indicates how available a video or animation on YouTube, which can be public or private.

The chapter nine shows the Conceptual Maps Online. Introduces the concept of conceptual map. Explains the implications of concept maps in learning how to install on the computer how to create a conceptual map with text, image, sound or video and how to export a map.

After reading this document, we can conclude that Web 2.0 tools are very useful for teachers because they facilitate the online teaching. The Web 2.0 tools can be used in any area of education. I think the application of this tools is very important and teachers must follow the times evolution, using technology on benefit of education. The Web 2.0 tools allow teachers to find new teaching strategies and develop skills required for teaching successfully, using technology. This manual gives us a number of interesting examples with a set of very valuable and practical suggestions.

The following report written by Professor Morten Flate Paulsen is very interesting because puts in evidence pedagogical techniques on computer-mediated communication, presenting an overview about them. This online report was published as a result of an accomplished work by the author as first speaker at the ICDE-95 On-line World Conference in distance education. The conference had place in Birmingham, England, June 26-30, 1995.

Paulsen, M. F. (1995). The Online Report on Pedagogical Techniques for Computer-Mediated Communication. Retrieved on June 2, 2010 from

In my opinion this report is a very important testimony about pedagogical techniques. It is very enlightening and makes good references to other books and to their authors as well as their contributions to these topics. The pedagogical techniques chosen by Professor Morten Flate Paulsen for the online session were the brainstorm. This technique was chosen with the intention to give the participants the opportunity to share experiences on pedagogical techniques applied in computer-mediated communication. I think this technique is very useful because it motivates the participants to share their thoughts and describe their experiences. According the author of this report, a pedagogical technique is a way of achieving teaching goals. In this report, the author also presents four pedagogical techniques, one-alone techniques, one-to-one techniques, one-to-many techniques and many-to-many techniques, describing each of them and their approaches.

Transparency in Online Education

The Transparency in Online Education is very important to improve the quality of online education, the quality of work increases when we see the work of other and when they see our and gives constructive feedback. However, inherent to the transparency there are some risks that we must know. From the study that I did about Transparency in Online Education, I considered the cartoons from Morten Flate Paulsen about Transparency for Quality and Transparency for Cooperation very interesting and useful for the understanding of these issues.

Transparency for Quality by Morten F.P.

Retrieved on May 19, 2010 from Http://

Transparency for Cooperation by Morten F.P.

Retrieved on May 19, 2010 from

The approach of the Transparency for Quality and Transparency for Cooperation in these cartoons is clear and objective. The first cartoon talks about the importance of transparency in improving the quality of online education, pointing out that the quality of work increases when we see the work of others and when they see ours and give constructive feedback. The second cartoon is about the importance of transparency in the cooperation between the students of this kind of education. However, it also addresses the importance of students’ privacy and whether they are free to choose the level of transparency they want in order to protect their privacy.

It is also very instructive the observation of Visualizing Students’ Profiles through NKI's Online Catalogue and Student Network, from Morten Flate Paulsen.

Retrieved on May 19, 2010 from

The slide reveals the importance of the NKI Distance Education allowing students the opportunity to share information. Transparency in information facilitates cooperation among students. Some students share information about their online course activities with other people, others use the presentation as an online CV. This slide still addresses the risks inherent in transparency, for example, inappropriate content, the rights of authors, unsatisfied students remarks and students who expose too much personal information.

The blog about Teaching as Transparent Learning ( Siemmens, G. 2009) is also very important.

Retrieved on May 19, 2010 from

This blog is a personal report about the experience of being a transparent student. This blog discusses the importance of seeing others learn, emphasizing the fact that when we observe others learning, we learn from them, and when we share information in a transparent way, we also teach others.

To explore this theme I considered useful to read the following documents.

Dalsgaard, C., & Paulsen, M. F. (2009). Transparency in Cooperative Online Education. The International Review Of Research In Open And Distance Learning, 10 (3). Retrieved on May 19, 2010 from

Dalsgaard, C. (2009). Supporting Transparency Between Students. The International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace 2009. Retrieved on May 19, 2010 from

Dalsgaard, C. (2008). Social networking sites: Transparency in online education. Retrieved on May 19, 2010 from

The first document has got twenty two pages and talks about Transparency in Cooperative Online Education. In this document the authors, Christian Dalsgaard and Morten Flate Paulsen, explore the potential of social networking within cooperative online education. The authors say that a social networking does not necessarily involve communication, dialogue, or collaboration. They argue that transparency is an exceptional feature of social networking services. Christian Dalsgaard and Morten Flate Paulsen show how cooperative learning can be supported by transparency with examples. The document discusses what resources social networking and transparency can use within cooperative online education. The pedagogical potential of social networking is supported by transparency that facilitates the production of knowledge between students.

The second document contains four pages and talks about the Transparency Between Supporting Students. In this document the author, Christian Dalsgaard, presents the results of a case study that explores the potential of weblogs and social bookmarking to sustain transparency in a university course. The objective of the case was to empower students by providing them with tools that would be evident to the other students in the course, thus, making students’ ideas, thoughts and questions perceptible to the other students in the course. The document concludes that the use of digital media for transparency can sustain empowerment of students and motivation between students in a course, but that the challenge is to create an equilibrium among personal tools and tools for collaborative group work that are also proper for transparency between students.

The third document contains six pages and talks about the pedagogical potential of social networking sites. In this document, the collaboration and users created content are, frequently, appointed as major potentials of Web 2.0 technologies. The author, Christian Dalsgaard, says that a central characteristic of social networking sites like Facebook, Myspace, and Ning is a combination between personalization and socialization that facilitates the transparency between students. The transparency is a dominating feature that allows the students to see each other work. The social networking sites do not necessarily involve communication, dialogue or collaboration. This document argues how social networking can be used in university education by students to share information and resources developed for themselves, but made accessible to others. The communication on forums always takes place in a shared forum and in social networking sites the social interaction is originates in one person.

After reading these documents, we can conclude that we may learn with other students. For this reason is very important see others learn, for learn with them, comparing the quality of our work with theirs. The transparency in information facilitates cooperation among students. This way we can share information and help each other improve our work, learning and teaching. The other students can give us very useful and valuable contributions to improve our work. In online education we can find a set of resources social networking that use transparency for cooperation. In this course, for example, there are many opportunities to do that.

terça-feira, 1 de junho de 2010

Reviews Tercilia Assis Learning Object

I`ve reviewed Tercilia Assis Learning Object Ter2 by tercilia

Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun!

As I, Tercilia used the to do her work. The animation is a very good resource to do it. The LO message is clear and well structured. Tercilia used the music speaks that allows overcome some difficulties inherent to the balloons, like the long text. It is a good presentation, I really feel that we can learn about transparency in online education from her LO.
My only suggestion for improvement is to add an introduction to the LO and say the bibliographic sources used for do the LO.

sábado, 29 de maio de 2010

Transparency in Online Education

This Learning Object was created using
I hope you enjoy it as much as I had in doing it!
It is about Transparency in Online Education. Manuel1974's Animation by Manuel1974

Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun!

This Learning Object is based on the readings I did and commented about Transparency in Online Education.

quarta-feira, 26 de maio de 2010

Reviews Carla Elias annotated bibliography - Transparency in Online Education

I considered the AB elaborated by Carla Elias very interesting. Although the format of the AB was different from the usual it was no less rewarding. The colleague did an annotated "videowebgraphy", followed by fifteen Principles of Good Practice for Educating Adults at a Distance and a list of 21 questions that will help adult learners choose the degree program that is right for them, which I considered very important.
I think this form of presentation reinforces the understanding of the subject under study.
First she presented two videos created by former MPEL colleagues. This fact shows that we can learn from other students, we can learn by observing the work of others in order to improve our own work, thus increasing quality - Transparency for Quality.
Carla Elias presented a short video by Paulsen Morten Flate that shows the importance of transparency in online education, like the individual profiles of students for his recognition in this type of education.
Afterwards she presented a set of three videos about Transparency by Design. Transparency by Design is an initiative dedicated to assist adult learners in becoming educated consumers of distance education. This initiative aims to provide the most detailed information possible about each course of study, completion rates, costs, student engagement, and knowledge and skills learned.
The fifteen Principles of Good Practice, that she presented, are from a membership cooperative of institutions and organizations dedicated to advancing access and excellence in higher education through the innovative use of technology.
The Principles of Good Practice for Higher Education Institutions Serving Adults at a Distance were developed to ensure that higher education courses and programs for adults learning at a distance are of high quality and readily accessible. Distance programs are those that enable the student to learn at any time and in any place and serve adult learners at a distance, including learners who have traditional options but find online delivery more convenient.
The Principles promote transparency of higher education institutions delivering distance learning programs and foster dialogue to strengthen and improve the quality of programs and services.

quarta-feira, 19 de maio de 2010

Transparency in Online Education

From the study that I did about Transparency in Online Education, I considered the cartoons from Morten Flate Paulsen about Transparency for Quality and Transparency for Cooperation very interesting and useful for the understanding of these issues.

Transparency for Quality by Morten F.P.

Retrieved on May 19, 2010 from Http://

Transparency for Cooperation by Morten F.P.

Retrieved on May 19, 2010 from

The approach of the Transparency for Quality and Transparency for Cooperation in these cartoons is clear and objective. The first cartoon talks about the importance of transparency in improving the quality of online education, pointing out that the quality of work increases when we see the work of others and when they see ours and give constructive feedback. The second cartoon is about the importance of transparency in the cooperation between the students of this kind of education. However, it also addresses the importance of students’ privacy and whether they are free to choose the level of transparency they want in order to protect their privacy.

It is also very instructive the observation of Visualizing Students’ Profiles through NKI's Online Catalogue and Student Network, from Morten Flate Paulsen.

Retrieved on May 19, 2010 from

The slide reveals the importance of the NKI Distance Education allowing students the opportunity to share information. Transparency in information facilitates cooperation among students. Some students share information about their online course activities with other people, others use the presentation as an online CV. This slide still addresses the risks inherent in transparency, for example, inappropriate content, the rights of authors, unsatisfied students remarks and students who expose too much personal information.

The blog about Teaching as Transparent Learning ( Siemmens, G. 2009) is also very important.

Retrieved on May 19, 2010 from

This blog is a personal report about the experience of being a transparent student. This blog discusses the importance of seeing others learn, emphasizing the fact that when we observe others learning, we learn from them, and when we share information in a transparent way, we also teach others.

To explore this theme I considered useful to read the following documents.

Dalsgaard, C., & Paulsen, M. F. (2009). Transparency in Cooperative Online Education. The International Review Of Research In Open And Distance Learning, 10 (3). Retrieved on May 19, 2010 from

Dalsgaard, C. (2009). Supporting Transparency Between Students. The International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace 2009. Retrieved on May 19, 2010 from

Dalsgaard, C. (2008). Social networking sites: Transparency in online education. Retrieved on May 19, 2010 from

The first document has got twenty two pages and talks about Transparency in Cooperative Online Education. In this document the authors, Christian Dalsgaard and Morten Flate Paulsen, explore the potential of social networking within cooperative online education. The authors say that a social networking does not necessarily involve communication, dialogue, or collaboration. They argue that transparency is an exceptional feature of social networking services. Christian Dalsgaard and Morten Flate Paulsen show how cooperative learning can be supported by transparency with examples. The document discusses what resources social networking and transparency can use within cooperative online education. The pedagogical potential of social networking is supported by transparency that facilitates the production of knowledge between students.

The second document contains four pages and talks about the Transparency Between Supporting Students. In this document the author, Christian Dalsgaard, presents the results of a case study that explores the potential of weblogs and social bookmarking to sustain transparency in a university course. The objective of the case was to empower students by providing them with tools that would be evident to the other students in the course, thus, making students’ ideas, thoughts and questions perceptible to the other students in the course. The document concludes that the use of digital media for transparency can sustain empowerment of students and motivation between students in a course, but that the challenge is to create an equilibrium among personal tools and tools for collaborative group work that are also proper for transparency between students.

The third document contains six pages and talks about the pedagogical potential of social networking sites. In this document, the collaboration and users created content are, frequently, appointed as major potentials of Web 2.0 technologies. The author, Christian Dalsgaard, says that a central characteristic of social networking sites like Facebook, Myspace, and Ning is a combination between personalization and socialization that facilitates the transparency between students. The transparency is a dominating feature that allows the students to see each other work. The social networking sites do not necessarily involve communication, dialogue or collaboration. This document argues how social networking can be used in university education by students to share information and resources developed for themselves, but made accessible to others. The communication on forums always takes place in a shared forum and in social networking sites the social interaction is originates in one person.

quarta-feira, 12 de maio de 2010

Educação e Sociedade em Rede - Actividade 4

A Autenticidade e a Transparência na Rede são dois conceitos fundamentais na virtualização das relações sociais. O ciberespaço permitiu relações sociais simultâneas com acesso imediato a qualquer parte do mundo, desencadeando uma nova percepção de espaço, de tempo e de relações sociais. Quem somos nós na rede? Quem são os outros na rede? A virtualização permitiu-nos uma nova modalidade de ser, o virtual. O ciberespaço permitiu, inclusivamente, a construção de múltiplas identidades digitais de uma mesma pessoa.

Contudo, a nossa identidade digital não é mais do que uma parte da nossa identidade pessoal, da qual também fazem parte a nossa identidade pública familiar, profissional, social, etc. Identidades que assumimos de acordo com o contexto em nos encontramos. Neste sentido, a nossa identidade virtual, apesar de ser uma construção própria e constituir uma alternativa da nossa identidade pública, não deixa de ser um prolongamento da nossa identidade pessoal.

O problema que se coloca é quando essa identidade digital é usada para fins menos próprios, camuflando a verdadeira realidade. Como é o caso da criação de uma identidade digital para se fazer passar por outra pessoa, com o objectivo de ganhar algo com isso, aproveitando a inocência dos outros ou denegrindo a imagem de alguém.

No entanto, a Autenticidade e a Transparência na Rede são inevitáveis em determinadas situações. No ensino à distância online, a autenticidade e a transparência são mesmo fundamentais para a criação de um ambiente adequado à aprendizagem, pois facilitam a comunicação, o diálogo e a cooperação entre os membros pertencentes a uma rede. A autenticidade e a transparência, entre os elementos dessa rede, apoiam e orientam inclusivamente os alunos à participação, uma vez que os conhecimentos uns dos outros são visíveis a todos. A troca de informações, de conhecimentos e de recursos desta forma é muito importante, visto que permite os membros dessa comunidade aprenderem.

No que concerne à fiabilidade da informação da rede essa é tão confiável como qualquer outra informação partilhada noutro local. Todavia, actualmente, graças às novas tecnologias, a velocidade com que se circula informação e se produz informação é tão grande que se torna difícil saber qual a sua origem e qual a sua idoneidade. O conhecimento está constantemente a ser revisto e modificado. Por outro lado, o que hoje é verdade amanhã pode não o ser, encontramo-nos num mundo em evolução constante.

É verdade que, o aparecimento da internet aumentou a possibilidade da fraude, porque o acesso à informação se tornou mais fácil e mais rápido, no entanto esta sempre existiu. Sempre houve informações pouco confiáveis. O importante é saber onde procurar. Há locais mais fidedignos que outros, mesmo na internet, que é um recurso fantástico, uma vez que facilita essa pesquisa. Tudo depende do estudo efectuado e das fontes utilizadas. O fundamental é fazermos uma boa análise, sermos críticos e cruzarmos informações.

Porém, num mundo onde todos os intervenientes são autores, a questão da autenticidade e transparência da informação tem-se tornado um assunto cada vez mais, inquietante, suscitando a necessidade da existência de uma entidade responsável pelo controlo da mesma. Uma entidade que garanta a autenticidade e a transparência das informações, bem como a sua qualidade e o conhecimento inerente às mesmas.

Mas, apesar de, actualmente existir alguma tecnologia que permite efectuar parte desse controlo, esse processo é muito complexo, devido às características inerentes à própria rede. No entanto, embora esse controlo permita a segurança da mesma, este deve ser efectuado de forma imparcial, por uma ou várias entidades, de modo a não limitar a liberdade de expressão dos indivíduos. Contudo, a preocupação principal devia ser a da educação de todos os membros da rede, de acordo com determinado valores éticos, de forma a permitir um uso correcto e responsável da mesma.

sexta-feira, 30 de abril de 2010

Reviews Isabel Manteigas annotated bibliography

I`ve reviewed Isabel Manteigas annotated bibliography.

The colleague made a good choise.A Isabel presents an annotated Bibliography diversified, that contains one report, two articles and an presentation of the top 100 tools for learning created with the contributions 278 Learning Professionals worldwide. I think this documents are very useful for all who want to do a good work with online Teaching Techniques.

In the report, Prof. Morten Paulsen talk about issues of Pedagogical Techniques for Computer-Mediated Communication. De acordo com Prof. Morten Paulsen, a pedagogical technique is a manner of accomplishing teaching objectives and a Computer-Mediated Communication is a transmission and reception of messages using computers as input, storage, output, and routing devices. This communication includes information retrieval, electronic mail, bulletin boards, and computer conferencing. Prof .Morten Paulsen presents various pedagogical techniques, that are classified as one-alone techniques, one-to-one techniques, one-to-many techniques, and many-to-many techniques.

In the first article, the authors try to answer a series of important questions like “What will be the new role for instructors in online education? How will students' learning outcomes be assured and improved in online learning environment? How will effective communication and interaction be established with students in the absence of face-to-face instruction? How will instructors motivate students to learn in the online learning environment?”. Initially they presents the Background of the Problem and then discuss various ways to Ensuring Effective Online Instruction, such as New Roles of Instructor, New Roles of Online Learners, New Technologies, New Interaction and Communication with Online Learners, New Way of Learning and Testing, Facing the Challenge.

The second article examines the theoretical background for the integration and modelling of online teaching within a staff development program. To the authors the integration of technology like a teaching technique depends of the experience the teachers. "Teachers who have positive experiences with technology and have adequate support are more likely to integrate technology into their own teaching (Freeman, 1997)." They presents a serial the methods for teaching online and methods to structure online activities. In the first methods include the Asynchronous Computer Mediated Communication (eg. email, discussion groups), Synchronous Computer Mediated Communication (eg.chats, desktop videoconferencing, groupware), Online Assessmen, for example, and in the seconds methods include Requiring a deliverable (eg. plans, designs, papers, portfolios etc), Limiting the scope of activities in terms of size and/or time, Debates and role plays, Brainstorming, for example.

The Presentation contains the top 100 tools for learning created for many professionals from worldwide. Many of this tools can be used on teaching online techniques like you can see.

terça-feira, 20 de abril de 2010

Review Marina Moleirinho Learning Object

I`ve reviewed Marina Moleirinho Learning Object

This Learning Object is very interesting, and is on the line of my Annotated Bibliography.
Web 2.0 are a facilitator element of online Teaching that provide content of learning and the tools to promote learning itself (Bawden, 2007).

The Blogs, Dandelife, Wikis, Flickr, Page Creator, YouTube, Podcasting, Delicious, Bookmarks, Calendar, Second Life, Mobile Technologies and Conceptual Maps Online are same applications of Web 2.0 that facilitate interative information sharing and collaboration in the worldwide Web.

The acess to Web 2.0 is easier and the students have control on the process of learning.
This tools provide a learning process more creative and autonomous. The work is facilitated too by the collaboration of the community .

The teacher can organize the documents to learning and make a social environment, guiding students to reach the learning objectives

Online Teaching Techniques

sábado, 17 de abril de 2010

Online Teaching Techniques

This manual is a document for teachers who want to learn to use some online teaching techniques. This manual contains nine chapters that present various online teaching techniques and that helps teachers to insert themselves in this type of education. Each chapter contextualizes each online teaching techniques, explains how to create an online space and discusses their use in educational practices.

The first chapter talks about the Blog, YouTube, Flickr and Delicious. Present the blog and its relevance in an educational context, showing how to create a Blog, provide a link and insert a image or a video from the YouTube, using a Blogger as an example. Explains how to create a YouTube account, approaching the TeacherTube too. Contains information how to create a Flickr account provide a image and finally how to have bookmarks always accessible on the Delicious.

The second chapter talks about the Podcast and about the user of the software Audacity. Presents an introduction to the Posdcast, showing how to create and record a Podcast on the Podomatic. It also explains how to write a file audio in Audacity and how to do a upload file to the Podomatic.

The third chapter talks about Dandelife, Wiki and Goowy. Initially makes some considerations about Web 2.0 in education, presented the Dandelife like a tool to make timelines, which allows to integrate text, images from Flicker, videos from YouTube and files audio. Presents the characteristics of the Wiki and how to create a Wiki space, giving PBWiki as an example. Finally, make an approach to the Goowy, online desktop that integrates e-mail, calendar, files, contacts, flash games, notepad that can be used as a e-book student, RSS reader, integrated search, visualization of videos from the YouTube, Posdcats, among other features.

The fourth chapter talks about the Google Toolbar: Page Creator, Docs and Calendar. Presents the Google Page Creator, that provides a Web pages without the hassle of a housing server. Discusses the features of Google Docs that integrates documents in word processor, office excel and presentations. Finally, indicates the functionalities of the Calendar and its usefulness.
The fifth chapter discusses PopFly. Presents PopFly service, free, online to develop mashups, gadgets, web pages and applications. A mashup uses informations from more than on source to create a new service or application Web. It also explains how can make a mashup.

The sixth chapter is about Web 2.0 and Mobile Technologies. Show the advantages of Web 2.0 in access to information, publication and online sharing, showing their access through mobile technologies and its implications on learning. It made a presentation of mobile version of some Web applications, like Mobile Google, Mobile YouTube, Mobile Zoho, Blinkx, Bloove, Winksite, Blurpulse, Gipit, EQO, Mobilicious and Twitter.

The seventh chapter talks about Second Life and Virtual Environments. Contextualizes and features Virtual Environments, focusing on Second Life. Explains how to create an avatar in Second Life, as moves the character in this Virtual Environments, interacts with other avatars, making shopping and changing the appearance of the avatar. Presents some suggestion on what we can be done in Second Life, including the possibility of earning money. Presents other virtual worlds that are being to imposed like Vastpark and Metaplace, referring to the virtual world of Google. Finally discusses the implications of virtual worlds in learning.

The eighth chapter speaks of Movie Maker to YouTube. Describes and demonstrates the potencial of Windows Movie Maker to assemble or create animated films based on images. This software, easy to learn, allows the teachers and students montages of quality that can be shared on the YouTube. Also indicates how available a video or animation on YouTube, which can be public or private.

The chapter nine shows the Conceptual Maps Online. Introduces the concept of conceptual map. Explains the implications of concept maps in learning how to install on the computer how to create a conceptual map with text, image, sound or video and how to export a map.

quarta-feira, 14 de abril de 2010

Educação e Sociedade em Rede - Actividade 2

Comentário sobre a noção de Cibercultura, tal como defendida por Lévy, e indicação de três exemplos significativos
De acordo com Lévy, a Cibercultura consiste num conjunto de técnicas materiais e intelectuais, de práticas, de atitudes, de modos de pensamento e de valores que se desenvolvem num novo meio de comunicação aberto, que surge da interconexão mundial dos computadores e das memórias informáticas, o Ciberespaço.
Deste modo, podemos depreender que a Cibercultura constitui um novo fenómeno cultural onde os individuos adquirem uma nova forma de ser, estar e saber na sociedade. Segundo este autor, a Cibercultura baseia-se em três principios fundamentais a interconexão, a comunidade virtual e a inteligência colectiva, criando-se e construindo-se numa rede de informação e comunicação respectivamente.
A interconexão está relacionada com a comunicação global sem limites de espaço e de tempo, a comunidade virtual apoia-se na interconexão entre os seus membros, de acordo com os seus interesses, conhecimentos e cooperação e a inteligência colectiva é construída por todos com base nos principios anteriores.
A simulação, o hipertexto e o ensino à distância on-line, são três exemplos significativos da Cibercultura nas quais estão bem patentes a interconexão, a comunidade virtual e a inteligência colectiva.
Para Lévy, a simulação é uma tecnologia intelectual que aumenta a inteligência individual e que permite aos grupos pertencentes a uma comunidade virtual, através da interconexão, compartilharem, negociarem e aperfeiçoarem modelos mentais comuns, independentemente da sua complexidade, aumentando também a inteligênica colectiva. A simulação possibilita o aumento determinadas capacidades do Homem, nomeadamente a imaginação e o pensamento, uma vez que permite a representação e o desenvolvimento de acontecimentos e realidades através da projecção de imagens e mundos virtuais.
O hipertexto é um texto que nunca está concluído e cujos autores são todos aqueles que contribuem para a sua construção e propagação, através da interconexão estabelecida entre todos os membros de uma comunidade virtual. O autor do texto deixa de ser uma identidade individual e passa a ser uma identidade colectiva, da qual fazem parte todos esses autores . Citando o autor, " o texto dobra-se, redobra-se, divide-se e volta a colocar-se pelas pontas e fragmentos: transmuta-se em hipertexto, e os hipertextos conectam-se para formar o plano hipertextual indefinidamente aberto e movél da web".
O ensino à distância on-line é um tipo de ensino que permite aos alunos aprenderem, transmitirem e produzirem conhecimento através da interconexão estabelecida entre os elementos de uma comunidade virtual. Esta forma de ensino centra-se no aluno e vem ao encontro das suas necessidades. O papel do professor é gerir a aprendizagem e acompanhar os alunos, assegurando a disponibilidade de recursos, promovendo e incentivando a reflexão e a troca de informação. Sendo a cooperação entre todos os membros dessa comunidade fundamental. O ensino à distancia on-line é acessível a todos e caracteriza-se pela diversidade e rapidez na evolução do conhecimento.

domingo, 4 de abril de 2010

Activity 4 – One Question Interview

To Professor Terry Anderson

(One question by António Pedro Pereira e Manuel Pimentel)

Question: Most e-learning courses have an opening and ending date, equal to all students. Therefore, can we effectively talk about freedom of pace and time in that situation?

Answer: Athabasca University, unlike most Open universities offers continuous enrolment. We find this maximizes student freedom, but also results in lower completion rates than we would like. Sometimes students can not handle the freedom afforded by self pacing- especially since they have so little practice at lower educational levels. So it is question of freedom to choose - more or less freedom and only individual students can answer this. I like options and alternatives.

(One question by Ana Maria Marmeleira and Paula Silva)

Question: According to Paulsen’s Cooperative Freedom Theory, there’s a balance between cooperation and freedom. However, having work group activities isn’t a limitation of individual learning pace? How you do personally, or the institutions you are familiar with, deal with the pedagogical challenge of providing online education that combines individual freedom with meaningful cooperation?

Answer: I am struggling to convince our University that self pacing does not necessarily mean independent study. I think we should and can offer opportunities for cooperation, but this is challenging with self pacing. However I think new social software and web 2.0 tools make this more possible. We are trying to build optional activities and allow students to see and contribute artifacts of learning to ongoing user generated resources such as links, wikis, blog posts etc .

(One question by Margarida Marmeleira)

Question: In an article of yours, you talk about a seven dimension of freedom – the freedom of relationship. Do you think that the fact that some e-learning courses demand for their students to work in group is a limitation for the students freedom?

Answer: Again it is a limitation, but some people need and want the freedom to create learning relationships with others- we are social beings, so I don't like systems that are so hung up on freedom, that they do not allow cooperation and learning relationships to be formed.
I see three generations of Distance education pedagogy. The first based on behavioral/cognitive designs and focused on independent learning and delivered by books and one way mass media. The second based on constructivism with paced online learning groups using both synchronous and asynchronous technologies. And an emerging 3rd generation based on networks and connectivist designs. These allow, but do not require that relationships be formed with current and past students studying the same materials. You might want to read works by Jon Dron and myself on the difference between second generation groups and 3rd generation networks.

sexta-feira, 26 de março de 2010

Reviews Hugo Domingos annotated bibliography

I`ve reviewed Hugo Domingos annotated bibliography.

The annotated bibliography is clear and concise. The colleague have a good capacity of syntheses. I think this articles are very useful and a good introduction to a study of Cooperative Freedom in learning. The annotated bibliography it is easy to read and undertand, and is well illustred too.

In firt article Morten Flate Paulse presents the "Theory of autonomy and independence" to support distance education. The article talk about the "Hexagon of Cooperative Freedom."

In the second there is a development of ideas presented in the firts article. This article talk about the flexibility and affinity to a learning community.

The third article show the learning philosophy at NKI (Norwegian Knowledge Institute) Distance Education, in a non-governmental educational institution based in Norway, that works in both traditional distance education and large-scale integration of technology into distance education.

The fourth article talk about the potencial of social networking within cooperative online education. Discusses the development of virtual learning enverionments that allow students had individual freedom within online learning communities, in social networking. The used approach is transparency between students. This socialization between students promotes cooperative learning.

Reviews Ana Marmeleira Learning Object

I`ve reviews Ana Marmeleira Learning Object

In my opinion Ana had a good work. It`s a good publicity video to encouraging the people to became a distant students. I think she has achieved it`s objectives. The video makes the approach to important aspect of Cooperative Freedom like time, place, pace, medium, access and content and show to the way how the students can have that. It´s simple but appealing. I only put another coler in the firt imagens to draw attention to the questions.

Very good work

terça-feira, 23 de março de 2010

Cooperative Freedom

This is the result of research and study of Cooperative Freedom for "Processos Pedagógicos em Elearning

This article belongs to Professor Morten Flate Paulsen and show that cooperative learning can be implemented with sucess through a set of instruments or means. The article presents a study of distance education and cooperative learning experience, where are discusses how issues like web.2, transparency, learning partner and individual progression plans relate to cooperative online education. The study was conduted in the end of 2007 and the assessment instrument used was the questionnaire with quantitative and qualitative questions.

In this article Professor Morten Flate Paulsen presents the Theory of Cooperative Freedom as a theory of autonomy and independence, a theory to support distance education . The author defends that students should decide the level of autonomy they want for their education progrees. This theory is centered on the tension between individual independence and collective cooperation within the dimensions of time, space, pace, medium, access, and content within distance education contexts. The Theory of Cooperative Freedom defends that online education can foster both freedom for the individual and group cooperation.

sábado, 20 de março de 2010

sexta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2010

Experiência no Módulo de Ambientação

Olá a todos!
Decidi criar o meu blogue no
Este é o meu primeiro blogue e destina-se à Pedagogia do E-learning.
Apesar de ter sido um dos últimos a chegar, a minha experiência no Módulo de Ambientação tem sido muito interessante e produtiva. Estou a aprender imenso e espero continuar assim. Penso estar a conseguir ultrapassar as dificuldades e a cumprir os objectivos. Espero a colaboração de todos.
Um abraço
Manuel Pimentel