terça-feira, 23 de março de 2010

Cooperative Freedom

This is the result of research and study of Cooperative Freedom for "Processos Pedagógicos em Elearning

This article belongs to Professor Morten Flate Paulsen and show that cooperative learning can be implemented with sucess through a set of instruments or means. The article presents a study of distance education and cooperative learning experience, where are discusses how issues like web.2, transparency, learning partner and individual progression plans relate to cooperative online education. The study was conduted in the end of 2007 and the assessment instrument used was the questionnaire with quantitative and qualitative questions.


In this article Professor Morten Flate Paulsen presents the Theory of Cooperative Freedom as a theory of autonomy and independence, a theory to support distance education . The author defends that students should decide the level of autonomy they want for their education progrees. This theory is centered on the tension between individual independence and collective cooperation within the dimensions of time, space, pace, medium, access, and content within distance education contexts. The Theory of Cooperative Freedom defends that online education can foster both freedom for the individual and group cooperation.

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